Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide scholarships to participants who wish to attend a Support Center but do not have government funding available; to help adults with developmental disabilities lead productive and independent lives.
Meet Our Friends
Stepping Stone was created by Bryn Galisewski and a group of supporters. Based on Bryn's vision we have acquired a "Center" which includes a "homebase" with space for technology, a variety of hands-on activities and comfortable places to just "hang out." Just steps away, we have access to a large kitchen, a gymnasium and a coffee shop. Our host (Columbine Hills Church of the Nazarene) has a food pantry and community garden where our participants can get valuable work experience. Learn More
Board of Directors

Pam Press - President
Janell Knudson - Director
Ally Press - Director
Lexi Ziegler - Director
Carly Press - Director
Beth Lidvall - Director
Janell Knudson - Director
Ally Press - Director
Lexi Ziegler - Director
Carly Press - Director
Beth Lidvall - Director